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Christophe-Laudamiel perfumer - Strangelove - Humiecki & Graef - The Zoo

Christophe Laudamiel: a quirky, creative and inspiring perfumer!

Christophe Laudamiel is an award winning master perfumer, known for his innovative and high-end perfumes. He has created top 10’s for famous fashion and beauty houses such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Tom Ford, Clinique, Estée Lauder, Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, and many more. At Perfume Lounge you will find Strangelove NYC, Humiecki & Graef, and Vetiver Rain by Annindriya!

All perfume creations by Christophe Laudamiel

Enjoy his creations

Why are we such great fans of Christophe Laudamiel?

To answer this question, in 2016 perfume critic Luca Turin wrote about Christophe Laudamiel: “In my opinion he is the greatest inventor of novel perfume structures working today.”

This is a great compliment from the world-renowned, not always laudatory, Luca Turin. And we totally agree with him. Christophe is an incredible versatile and idiosyncratic perfumer.

Not only a perfumer… 

Christophe is not only known for his avant-garde and high-end signature perfumes, he is also representative of Osmothèquem, ‘s worlds largest scent archive and leading international research institution tracing the history of perfumery.

In 2010, Laudamiel founded DreamAir® and BélAir creative studios in NYC, Berlin and Tokyo where he realizes innovative fragrance projects for companies and organizations.

Next to his, he has been a speaker and ambassador of perfumery at major universities like Harvard and Columbia.

Christophe is eager about explaining the world of perfumes to the general public; he has a strong focus on education and transparency when it comes to perfume formulations.

Christophe's unique perfumes for Humiecki & Graef

Christophe Laudamiel visits Perfume Lounge Amsterdam - Tanja Deurloo

Elevating fragrances to art

The exciting thing about Christophe is that he is able to elevate fragrance to art. In 4 years he has had 6 solo exhibitions dedicated to ‘olfactory art’. Next to his works in art galleries Dillon in New York City and Mianki in Berlin, his fragrances are also in the collection of the International Perfumery Museum in Grasse and the Cleveland Museum of Art at Harvard University.

For the fragrance ephemera ‘Green Aria’ at the Guggenheim Museum, he composed and ‘scent-jockeyed’ more than 30 fragrances. And together with his colleague Christoph Hornetz he has created 15 fragrances inspired by ‘The Perfume’, the novel by Patrick Süskind.

The Zoo - Club Design | Perfume Lounge


In 2017 Christophe received from The Los Angeles Institute for Art and Olfaction award for ‘Exceptional Contribution to Scent Culture’. In 2018, he was artist-in-residence at Perfumariē NYC. Also in 2018, Christophe won the prestigious Art and Olfaction Award for the Best Artisan Perfume. This time for his beautiful perfume Club Design, under his own quirky brand The Zoo.

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